
I have been using uBalm for over a week now and my what a difference




I purchased a jar of U Balm at the craft show the week-end of Oct 17,2009 at Spranker Creek near Bellla Vista, AR.

I had surgery in November 2008 and developed an infection and they could not close the wound. As a result I have been trying to get this healed, by going to Wound Care for 8 months. Well the last of August 2009 it finally healed over. However, the scar has been so dry and hard. I have been looking for something to use on it to soften and stop it from pealing. I have been using UBalm for over a week now and my what a difference, its soft now and stopped pealing. What a great product.

Thank You so much.

Arlene C

Gentry, AR

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