
how amazing the product has been for my husband




Dear James & Rosalie,

Just wanting to let you know how amazing the product has been for my husband. For years he has been battling dry skin on his face and you ask how many years well it started as a teenager and he is 50 this year.

We have been to several Dermatolgist and our family Doctor and they will all give him a prescription for some cream and it works soso but he has to put it on twice aday and then it was costing us $40.00 month for this little tube.

Well I bought some ubalm in March at the General Granbury Birthday.

Well we are amazed, he puts it on once a day. When he gets out of the shower at night. The dryness is gone no more flaking across the nose and cheeks. The redness is now not so noticeable.

We love it. He now has started to shave with it. I also gave a tube of it to our son who has very sensitive skin. When he shaves he breaks out and we are going to see if this helps.

I will let you know.

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you in Granbury, Texas again by then we will be ready for another jar. I would like to try the blue jar .

Thanks Bob & Ruth W

These comments and testamonials come directly from our customers and are their opinions about our products. We do not claim that any of products diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. We are thrilled however that our customers love it!