
returning to normal, and the psoriasis patches on his palms were gone




October 25, 2009

My husband has suffered from psoriasis all of his adult life. As a young man he worked as an auto mechanic, spending many hours kneeling on cement floors. During those years he treated the area of psoriasis on his left knee with prescription medicines and a number of over-the-counter "cures", but never got significant relief from the itching, scaly patch. After retirement he began working with wood as a hobby, and before long his fingers and hands were drying out. The psoriasis had appeared on his palms and finger tips, causing pain and loss of sensation. Last year when he applied for a part-time job that required fingerprinting, he found out that he'd lost his fingerprints! It was shortly after that time that I noticed the Ubalm booth at the Canton First Monday Trade Days. I bought a jar, hoping at the very least that it might relieve the dryness. He was skeptical at first, but said he'd give it a try. After just a few days, he mentioned that his hands felt softer and much more comfortable. Several weeks later, he noticed that his fingertips were even returning to normal, and the psoriasis patches on his palms were gone. He has continued regular use of the cream while keeping up his woodworking, and is so happy that he no longer has to put up with dry, uncomfortable hands while he pursues his hobby. He even has his fingerprints back! He will never again be without Ubalm, and would highly recommend this wonderful product to anyone battling psoriasis.

Genie and Woody Thomas

PS -- I dip into his Ubalm to keep my hands and arms soft, too!

These comments and testamonials come directly from our customers and are their opinions about our products. We do not claim that any of products diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. We are thrilled however that our customers love it!