it was very nice talking to you this morning. We have been using
your Ubalm cream for three or four years. Every April we drive
from Sugar Land to Chappell Hill just to buy this cream. We are
almost out and decided it was time to call for replenishment of
this fabulous cream. My husband uses this every day on his face.
Please send 2 jars of the Yellow Ubalm cream.
Thank you very much.
These comments and testamonials come directly from our customers
and are their opinions about our products. We do not claim that
any of products diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition.
We are thrilled however that our customers love it!
We are glad you stopped in to visit us. ubalm is a unique blend of ingredients formulated to soften and smooth the driest chapped skin.
We have kept our website simple and free from fancy pages for one reason, to get you the facts without a lot of fluff. We would rather spend our time keeping ubalm the best skin cream in existence than spend it keeping up a fancy website.
Please email us your comments on ubalm, our website, or whatever you wish...we would love to hear them!