
Finally! Something that worked!




For over 12 years I lived with painful splits on my hands. At times I would have 3 or 4 bandaids on each hand to keep the splits from bleeding on everything I touched. I tried every cream or lotion I could find, but nothing really helped. About 6 months ago I heard about Ubalm. I called and got it and started using it. Finally! Something that worked! I have not had to put a bandaid on my hands in months! I also use it on my heels, as they would open and make it painful to even walk. This is the first product I have had any success with and whenever anyone complains about similar problems I pull out the tube I carry in my purse and have them try it. Thanks for saving me!

Albuquerque, NM

These comments and testamonials come directly from our customers and are their opinions about our products. We do not claim that any of products diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. We are thrilled however that our customers love it!