
I have observed a marked decrease in visible scars





I purchased the yellow label 'ubalm' product from you at the alleyfest in longview texas last year.

I am thoroughly satisfied with your product and have found two important uses for this product;

I had several scars and sores on both my arms stemming from a negative reaction to a prescription medication, two deep burns from an electrocution and a few scars from shrapnel from the u s navy. Since I began using this product I have observed a marked decrease in visible scars and overall healthy appearance on arms and legs.

The last usage was for a cut on my Weimarainer's ear. Nothing I found and applied to his ear would heal his cut. I used one application of ubalm to his cut and within one week the cut healed and have had no problem since.

Thanks for a great product.

michael gray

diana texas usa

These comments and testamonials come directly from our customers and are their opinions about our products. We do not claim that any of products diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. We are thrilled however that our customers love it!